IC Realtime (ICR) Technical Support
For End User Troubleshooting, Please see our : Technical Support Page
UPDATE 07.13.2022
RESOLVED: iOS ICRSS Pro App Push Notification Issues
Version 8.1.013 of ICRSS Pro has been pushed to the App Store, and all devices with issues regarding push notifications have been resolved. If you are still having issues with push notifications, please reboot your device and re-subscribe to the push notifications on ICRSS Pro after updating the app.
The iOS version of ICRSS Pro may be experiencing issues receiving push notifications on some IC Realtime Recorders.
**Android devices are not affected.
Push notifications to the app may not function or have intermittent issues.
UPDATE 07.06.2022
FIELD IMPACT NOTICE: iOS ICRSS Pro App Push Notification Issues
Summary: The iOS version of ICRSS Pro may be experiencing issues receiving push notifications on some IC Realtime Recorders.
**Android devices are not affected.
Symptoms: Push notifications to the app may not function or have intermittent issues.
Resolution: IC Realtime engineers are working on the solution, and it will be implemented in the next App update.
>>>07.11.2022 UPDATE The issue has been identified. An app update has been pushed to the Apple App Store and waiting on Apple to review and release. It is recommended to reboot your device and re-subscribe to the push notifications on ICRSS Pro after updating the app.
>>>07.07.2022 UPDATE The issue has been identified. An app update has been pushed to the Apple App Store and waiting on Apple to review and release.
Workaround: You can set up E-Mail notifications on the Recorder. After setting up E-mail notifications, you can set up an E-mail-to-SMS for text notifications. See here.
Alternatively, you can connect the IP Cameras directly to ICRSS Pro and receive notifications from the IP Camera.
UPDATE 07.22.2020
On 7/23/20 at between 2-4 am EST, IC Realtime will be updating our server instances that handle all P2P connections to all network-based products. This update will pose a temporary outage of any devices connecting to products via P2P. The update will take 2 hours.
During the update process, any Windows or Mac OS Smart ICRSS Pro desktop software and Mobile applications will lose the ability to connect to devices if P2P is the established connection route.
After the update is complete all devices should re-establish their connection to the P2P server and no further action will be needed. If a device has not established a new connection with the server after the completion, a reboot is suggested.
During this 2-hour window, devices can still be reached via direct IP or ICDDNS methods (if proper network routes have been established beforehand).
UPDATE 05.13.2020
UPDATE 05.08.2020
NOTICE 04.29.2020
Field Impact Notice -iOS ICRSS Pro App Push Notification Issues
Summary - The iOS version of ICRSS Pro may be experiencing issues receiving push notifications.
Symptoms - Push notifications to the app may not function or have intermittent issues.
Resolution - IC Realtime engineers are working on the solution and it will be implemented in the next App update.
You can setup E-Mail notifications. E-Mail Notifcation Setup
After setting up E-mail notifications, you can setup an E-mail-to-SMS for text notifications. See here.
ICRSS Pro Version 8.0 update has fixed this issue. If your app did not update automatically, go to the App Store to update.
NOTICE 10.08.19
Field Impact Notice
SmartICRSS Does Not Support
Apple OS X Catalina (10.15.x)
On 10/7/2019, Apple software released an update to Mac OS X - Catalina, version 10.15.x.
SmartICRSS App fail to run as expected on MacOSX devices upgraded to OS X Catalina (10.15.x)
SmartICRSS App has been installed on the MacOSX Device MacOSX device has been updated to Apple OS X 10.15.x Catalina SmartICRSS can be run and will open, but immediately close.
ICRealtime does not currently support Apple OS X 10.15.x Catalina for use with the SmartICRSS Application. Support for this latest Apple OS X version will be included in a future SmartICRSS release. Until the app update itself is published, IC Realtime strongly encourages users to avoid updating to Apple OS X 10.15.x Catalina.
At this time, the only method to workaround this impact notice would be to install an Apple OS X version of 10.14.x in a virtual machine, and run the SmartICRSS inside the VM.
Update - 7/17/2019
remote access icr outage
ICDDNS services have been restored
Our new ICDDNS.com webserver has been restored and is being hosted on Amazon AWS EC2. All lost customer records have been updated. Affected customers should be able to access their devices without needing to make any configuration changes. If connectivity issues still persist, please follow the instructions HERE to re-register your domain name with our server.
Our sincerest apologies for the temporary loss of service. We are committed to preventing this from occurring again. Rest assured that there will be preserved snapshots and redundancy of the server in order to prevent extended service loss in the future.
Thank you
-IC Realtime Technical Dept.
UPDATED: 7/16/2019
Services have been restored.
Our new ICDDNS.com webserver is now hosted on Amazon AWS EC2, and is updating all lost customer records correctly now. Affected customers should be able to access their devices without needing to make any configuration changes.
Our sincere apologies for the loss of service. We are comitted to preventing this in the future and will assure there are proper snapshots preserved of this to prevent extended service loss in the future.
UPDATED: 7/15/2019
Engineering has deployed an Amazon AWS instance and configured the server environment in preparation for the new ICDDNS platform.
ICR Firmware team is now in process of developing the DDNS firmware and performing internal test throughout today and tomorrow. We're eager for a resolution this week if not sooner. Developers and engineering resources remain actively working until a this is sorted.
As always, P2P and direct access remain available. If you have remote sites or multiple outages, our support team can help discuss a restoration solution. Our helpdesk remains open as well for users to create tickets where we can provide updates directly about the status of the DDNS service.
UPDATED: 7/11/2019
“IC Realtime engineering team has identified a critical hardware failure in a dedicated server responsible for the majority of ICDDNS. In working with our hosting provider, we have faced extremely flimsy support from the Data Center team and hosting provider themselves for a hardware issue resolution. We are trying to hold the host accountable to fix their failed hardware and it has caused nothing but additional delays. We are trying to work with all customers to use the P2P service, direct connection, or any other available methods to connect in the interim period while services are restored.
Because of the weak support on such a critical service, IC Realtime has already taken steps to migrate this server to Amazon AWS hosting to avoid future issues that impact our customers like this.
We completely apologize for the inconvenience and will continue to provide updates and support for all customers as they develop.”
-IC Realtime Support
“work around” instructions
To find WAN IP address:
Use a command prompt (CMD) and ping the DDNS address example: ping john.icddns.com
On-site, where the system is installed Google search "What is my IP address".
To enable P2P:
Log into the system and go to Settings->Network->P2P.
Select Enabled and make sure to save the setting.
Status should change from not connected to connected may take a few moments. Some clients system may need to be power cycled.
Take note of your device Serial Number that is listed on the P2P page. It will be used in the next steps to update the connection information on your software applications (ICRSS Pro, ICView, SmartICRSS, etc).
To update your connection on your client software (Mobile Apps - ICRSS Pro, IC View):
Launch the App
Tap on the 'Hamburger Menu' (the three lines) at the top left, then select Device Manager from the menu.
On the Device Manager page, hit + to Add a new device
Select P2P
On the P2P setup page, input a friendly Name for the device (ie: My DVR)
On the SN field, input your device Serial Number (or use the Barcode icon to scan it in)
Input your username
Input your matching password
Lastly hit the Floppy Disk button to Save the device entry, or hit Start Live Preview to save the entry and start live viewing immediately.